Earlier last year (2011) a marathoner was stripped of his third place finish by admitting to advancing in the race by taking a bus. In fact, annually, dozens of runners' times are disqualified. Questions abound: What would possess someone to do such a thing? Did he think he was really going to get away with it? And, so on. In reality, it is not such an unusual temptation. In fact, Jesus was tempted in this manner. In His 40 days in the wilderness, he was offered a shortcut to providing for our salvation. The difference between this marathoner and Jesus' response was FOCUS. What the runner did not see is that it's not about how you place, but how you run.
With so many distractions around us - from the crowds, to the scenery, to our mobile devices, to the lure of finishing first - its easy to lose our FOCUS. This summer, we will be learning where our FOCUS ought to lie, how to resist the temptations of distraction, and how to run a race worthy of our calling. We hope you will come and join us as we fix our eyes on Jesus - our FOCUS, our goal, and our inspiration.
With so many distractions around us - from the crowds, to the scenery, to our mobile devices, to the lure of finishing first - its easy to lose our FOCUS. This summer, we will be learning where our FOCUS ought to lie, how to resist the temptations of distraction, and how to run a race worthy of our calling. We hope you will come and join us as we fix our eyes on Jesus - our FOCUS, our goal, and our inspiration.
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